With its financial system in complete chaos, Nigeria urgently needs appointing financial minister now, the Centre for Social Justice urges Buhari.

Eze Onyekpere warns Buhari there’s no time for fun and something has to be done with finanical sector immediately.
Muhammadu Buhar should appoint finance minister immediately as deteriorating Nigerian economy needs something to be done to fix the stagnation. This opinion was voiced by the head of the Centre for Social Justice Eze Onyekpere, who also thinks that the economy can’t wait till September, as the consequences of the previous mismanagement are growing every day, while naira’s exchange rate is falling on the daily basis.
“The fact that has been repeatedly stated by a few officials of the new government is that there is a lot of work to be done to clean the misdeeds of the past”, he told the press.
As naira’s rate is falling by the day, stocks are constantly losing their value, which doesn’t add good perspectives for investments.
Eze Onyekpere also added that there’s strange conspiracy around Nigeria’s finance as the last budget implementation report published was for the second quarter of 2014. The general public hasn’t been informed on the implementation of the 2015 budget. And nobody seems to care about carrying out the preparation process of the 2016-2018 Medium Term Expenditure Framework and planning the 2016 budget.
Centre for Social Justice CSJ is a non-governmental organisation established to introduce professionalism in civil society work and to use social entrepreneurship to provide cutting edge services to enhance and deepen economic, social and political change.
A source very close to the President on Sunday, June 28, revealed that the President will announce his ministers by the end of August or early September.
Speaking in Washington on Tuesday, July 21, 2015, the president said in response to critics who have nicknamed him “Baba Go Slow”, that he prefers to“go slow and steady”,
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