
Wednesday 19 August 2015

PHOTOS: Top 5 Reasons Lagosians Love Keke Napep

The ban on commercial motorcycles popularly called Okada in most major roads in the city has allowed for the sudden boom in the numbers of tricycles also know as Keke Napep in operation. Commuters are now moving from the popular commercial buses or Danfo to the tricycle and there are lots of reasons for this.
Here are the top five reasons why Lagosians love the tricycle:
Heavy traffic congestion in Lagos has made the tricycle attractive to commuters


The tricycle has become a popular mode of commute among Lagosians
Nobody likes to be stuck in traffic but unfortunately, it is a common occurrence in Lagos and commuters are aware of this. The Keke Napep has however proved to be adept at avoiding traffic. It is not uncommon to see a Keke Napep weaving through traffic with ease due to its size. Time is of the utmost importance and Lagosians try to beat it as much as possible. The Keke Napep seems to always save the day.

Bus Stop

The Keke Napep gives commuters the luxury of alighting anywhere they want regardless of whether there is a designated bus stop there or not. It is a common practice among Keke Napep drivers to stop anywhere the passengers want and alighting from it is easy because it doesn’t have a door. Lagosians like it when they can get around very quickly and the few seconds gained by being able to alight at your desired point instead of walking back from the designated bus stop to the desired stop point makes the Keke Napep loved.

Cheap Taxi

The Keke Napep can also serve as a taxi to Lagosians especially those who have loads to move around. The Danfo poses a problem because it’s always in a hurry to move and passengers have to literally run in order to retrieve their loads from the booth of the vehicle. The Keke Napep makes it easy to keep the load beside the passenger and go to any destination the passenger wants as long as an agreement is reached. Incredibly, the Keke is cheaper than the Lagos taxi and can perform the same duty.
Keke Napep is fast becoming part of a pop culture

Short Cuts

Perhaps because most of the riders of Keke Napep were once Okada riders, the mastery of alternative routes and short cuts is evident in the manner they ride. This has endeared commuters towards it as they know they can be bailed out of tight corners by the Napep by using alternative routes.
Even foreign visitors find Keke Napep a comfortable commute


Unlike the Danfo and other vehicles that can become unbearably uncomfortable during transit when there is traffic, the Napep doesn’t pose that problem. With just three passengers behind the rider and no windows, the chances of being soaked in sweat are eliminated. Lagosians like it when they can get to their destination and still look unruffled/ the Napep offers this Luxury and Lagosians make the best of this opportunity

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