
Tuesday 11 August 2015

Sniper Saves Father And Son From Beheading By ISIS

A sniper of the British special forces regiment, the SAS, saved the lives of a father and his eight-year-old son from beheading by ISIS jihadists with a 1,000 metres shot, the Daily Express (UK) reports.
According to the source, both were just seconds from death when an unnamed hero intervened to stop the barbaric killing in the Syrian desert.
The father and the son belong to the Shia branch of Islam, which ISIS considers to be heretical.
Terrorists decided that they must die after branding them “infidels” because they refused to denounce their faith.
First the sniper gunned down a knife-wielding Islamic state maniac. Then he was able to kill two more members of the terror group with long-range shots.
The Express reports that the dramatic rescue operation took place last month near the Syrian border with Turkey, where an elite SAS unit had been conducting covert patrols.
An anonymous source narrated more details about the incident:  “There were several decapitated bodies already lying on the ground. Through binoculars the soldiers could see that the crowd were terrified and many were in tears. 
“A man and a young boy were dragged out in front of the crowd and were made to kneel down. They were both wearing blindfolds and looked terrified. A tall bearded man emerged and drew a long knife. He began addressing the crowd and slapping the father and his son around the head and kicking them on to the floor. Standing either side of the executioner were two other Isis fighters, both armed with AK47s.
The ISIS thug who was about to decapitate the father was shot in the head and collapsed. Everyone just stared in confusion. The sniper then dispatched the two henchmen with single shots – three kills with three bullets. Someone from the crowd then ran over and untied the father and son’s hands and took their blindfolds off.  They just stared at the bodies and then ran. They were last seen heading towards the Turkish border in a pick-up truck. It was a good day’s work.”

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