
Friday, 12 February 2016

Nigerians have immunity against Zika virus - Health minster

Previous studies conducted by researchers demonstrated that some Nigerians were immuned to the Zika virus infection, Minister of Health Prof. Isaac Adewole said yesterday.

Adewole, who spoke in Abuja on his ministry’s efforts to contain Lassa fever and ZIka virus, claimed that as far back as 1954, some Nigerian scientists working in Western part of the country discovered Zika virus.

He said: “Further studies in the years 1975 to 1979 showed that 40 per cent of Nigerian adults and 25 per cent of Nigerian children have antibodies to Zika virus, meaning they are protected against this virus.

“It is important however, to state categorically, that until now in Africa and Nigeria inclusive, this virus does not cause any serious illness and those so far infected individually recover fully with no serious complications.”

The minister noted that although two African countries, Cape Verde and Gabon, had reported transmission in between 2015 and 2016, causal relationship between Zika virus infection, birth defects and neurological syndromes has not been established in the continent.

Adewole warned that despite the fact that some Nigerians are immune to the infection as demonstrated by previous studies, it was important and advisable that Nigerians should be careful and protect themselves from mosquito bites.

The minister said that he would not advise against Nigerian contingent attending the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Brazil over the Zika outbreak in South America.

But Adewole said he would stop pregnant women from going to Brazil as the minister of health.

He advised that suspected case should be referred to hospitals or this line: 097000010-19

He said: “There is as of now, no known specific treatment for Zika virus disease. Treatment is therefore generally supportive and it includes rest, fluids, and use of pain killers and antipyretics. In a pregnant woman with laboratory evidence of Zika virus in serum or amniotic fluid, serial ultrasounds should be considered to monitor fetal anatomy and growth every three to four weeks. Referral to a maternal-fetal medicine or infectious disease specialist with expertise in pregnancy management is recommended.”

He added: “There is no vaccine for Zika virus, and no cure other than rest, plenty of fluids and perhaps over-the-counter medication to reduce fevers, aches and pains as previously mentioned. This therefore means that prevention is most effective means of preventing transmission.

“I advise all Nigerians, particularly pregnant women, to avoid travelling to countries infected by this virus in these periods. If, however, you are to visit any country where Zika virus is now being actively transmitted, you are advised to protect yourselves from mosquito bites.

“Pregnant women considering travel to affected areas may wish to consult their health-care providers prior to travel and after return. They should also practice personal and household steps to prevent mosquito, including putting mosquito repellant on their clothes and skin, wear long sleeves and pants, and sleep underneath mosquito nets at night, where possible.

I wish to call on all Nigerians to support our pregnant women and help them access anti-mosquito repellants.”

The minister called on states to embark on health education campaigns to empower communities take actions to protect themselves from Zika Virus as well as other mosquito-borne diseases.

The minister assured Nigerians that Lassa fever has been contained in the country, as evidenced by decline in new suspected cases; new laboratory confirmed cases and newly reported cases.

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