
Saturday, 16 April 2016

Married School Teacher Caught Hiding in The Bedroom Closet of His 16 year-old Female Student (Photo)

High school band director, Jeremy Conner
A high school band director in Louisiana has been arrested after authorities say he was found hiding in a 16-year-old girl's closet.
News outlets report officials say 30-year-old Jeremy Conner was charged Wednesday with indecent behavior with a juvenile.
Ascension Parish Sheriff's Lt. Col. Bobby Webre said in a statement Thursday that detectives began investigating the incident and learned Conner had been communicating with the girl since last year. He says Conner told deputies he sent inappropriate text messages to the teenager.
Conner is listed on Westgate High School's website as the band instructor. Iberia Parish Schools Superintendent Dale Henderson said in a statement that Conner is currently absent without leave.
Webre says more charges are possible.
It's unclear whether Conner has an attorney.

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