
Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Donald Trump supporters release naked portrait of Hillary Clinton

Clinton portrait

A week after a n.u.d.e statue of Donald Trump, US Republican presidential candidate hit the internet, n.u.d.e statues of Hilary Clinton, US Democratic Presidential candidate has been put online.

The statue depicting the n.a.k.e.d Hilary Clinton is named ‘The Ugly Sides Of Hillary Clinton”.

Trump portrait
The smear campaigns between the two elephants hoping to emerge U.S president have cast a new view to the level propaganda and character assassination of party hopefuls in the US.

N.a.k.ed Clinton Supporters of Donald Trump who made one of the portraits has Hilary Clinton in all her ‘glory’ ‘romancing’ a bottle of alcohol have earlier taken to social media to decry alleged double standards with the manner in which people seemed to laugh off the controversial n.a.k.ed Trump statues.

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