
Wednesday 7 September 2016

FG has condemned the letter of a US Congressman, Tom

Marino, asking his country to withhold security support to Nigeria, describing it as “out of tune with reality’”.Marino had written the letter to the US Secretary of State, John Kerry,

alleging infractions on some principles and local and international
regulations and conventions by the President Muhammadu Buhari’s
In a statement issued on Sunday in Abuja, the Minister of Information and
Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, said that the allegations by Marino were
imaginary and that he was poorly informed about the issues he commented
He wondered why the congressman did not take the pains to get first-hand
information from the US Embassy in Nigeria or any other credible source
before engaging in “what is nothing but a propaganda of his own
According to him, by asking the US to refrain from selling warplanes and
other military equipment to Nigeria based on a faulty premise, the
congressman has demonstrated a poor understanding of global security
issues. “Insecurity anywhere is insecurity everywhere.
Had Congressman Marino understood this, he would not have made the kind of
call he made concerning the US security assistance to Nigeria.
“The Boko Haram insurgency that Nigeria has decisively dealt with under
President Muhammadu Buhari is not just a Nigerian problem but a regional
and international crisis,’’ he said.
Mohammed said that Marino was wrong when he alleged that Buhari did not
“demonstrate a commitment to inclusive government and the most basic
tenets of democracy – freedom to assemble and freedom of speech’’.
“An administration that operates purely on the basis of respect for the
rule of law and a strict adherence to constitutional order is not one to
deny the citizens of their constitutionally-guaranteed rights.
“This administration therefore does not need the goading of Congressman
Marino or anyone for that matter to do what is right.
“Concerning running an inclusive government, had Congressman Marino done
his homework before dispatching his letter, he would have realized that no
part of the country is left out in the distribution of political
“The appointment of ministers was done in accordance with the Constitution
that mandates that the President must appoint at least one minister from
each of the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory.
“Had the Congressman sought information from credible sources before
engaging in a flight of fancy, he would have been presented with
comprehensive information on the appointment of CEOs for Federal
Government’s parastatals, agencies and commissions.
“The appointments were almost evenly matched along the line of the six
geo-political zones in the country, with the North-West having 51,
North-Central, 46; North-East, 45; South-East, 41; South-West, 45 and
South-South, 45.
“The Congressman may wish to note that each geo-political zone comprises
six states, with the exception of North-West (7) and South-East (5),’’ he
The minister said that Marino’s description of the Buhari’s
administration’s anti-corruption efforts as “selective’’ was a tired
argument that clearly showed that the US lawmaker must have appended his
signature to someone’s concocted line.
“That line was invented by those seeking to cause an unnecessary
distraction from the administration’s anti-corruption efforts, and it has
been roundly rejected.
“Congressman Marino’s decision to exhume the dead postulation without an
iota of proof is a reflection of whose side he has taken in the ongoing
efforts to rid Nigeria of corrupt elements.
“Needless to say that the anti-corruption battle will continue unhindered,
irrespective of whose ox is gored. And in this fight, only the guilty
needs be afraid,’’ he said.
Mohammed said Nigeria was delighted that Kerry, to whom the Congressman
addressed his letter, was more knowledgeable, better briefed and
definitely more hands-on concerning Nigerian issues.

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