
Wednesday 26 August 2015

7 Ways To Protect Your Children From Sexual Abuse

It is a scary world out there and we cannot deny the fact that more and more Nigerian children are becoming victims of sexual abuse.
The victims of this abuse are getting younger each day so it is important for parents to always keep an eye out. No child is safe from this unless parents and guardians make sure to take some important measures to keep this from happening
Here are a few things that parents can do to keep their children safe:
Teach them: It is never too early to talk to children about things sexually related. As early as the age of three, teach them that it is absolutely wrong for anyone but you (as a parent) to touch their private parts and even then, it is only okay of it is when it is being touched. Let us not forget that some children have actually been sexually abused by their own parents. Be sure to make them understand what is right from wrong when it comes to someone coming in close contact with their private areas.
Bond with them: Having a great bond with your child goes a long way to keep them from harm. Try to make them very comfortable with you and not so afraid of to talk to you which will only cause them to suffer in silence.
Keep an eye out: As a parent, you should keep an eye out for your child. You should make sure you know where they spend their time and what they do there. If you send them on errands, make sure you know exactly where they are going and teach them not to make detours. If they have to spend days/nights outside the home, make sure you vet whoever they are spending time with.
Trust no one: Countless parents have been completely shocked to find out that people close to them have been the ones hurting their child. Do not just assume that family and friends are safe. Keep a watchful eye all the time.
Watch them: Keep a look out for signs that might suggest something is wrong with your child. Is your usually upbeat child suddenly withdrawn or shy? Have they suddenly begin to behave oddly around family members, friends, teachers, siblings or neighbours? Never assume it is okay for your child to start acting in a way that is unusual or suspicious. Do all within your power to find out what is wrong.
Be open with them: Try not to make sexual topics taboo in your home. Encourage questions even if they are asking about your own private parts. You do not  need to go into details, just give  them straightforward answers. If you are open, it will encourage them to be open too and this might just save them in the future.
Avoid unnecessary exposure: This is the part where you show your children that there are ways to prevent drawing the attention of these perverts and pedophiles out there. Dress your children modestly and avoid unnecessary exposure of their body. Do not dress them in things that will only draw negative attention to them. A lot of parents assume their kids are still very young so what they wear does not matter. This is a wrong way to think because not everybody around you will see things the way you do. A pedophiles mind does not work the way other normal people’s minds do, so protect your children always.
There is nothing like being too careful when it comes to protecting the little blessings God has entrusted you with. You are the only advocate they have and if you do not fight for them and their well-being, no one else will.

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