
Monday 17 August 2015

Is Lagos Teaching Hospital The Worst In Lagos?

The Lagos State University Teaching Hospital is supposed to provide first class health treatment for Nigerians. But news coming from the foremost public hospital portrays as one of the worst health care institutions in Nigerian today.
What is your experience if you have visited the hospital?
Lagos University Teaching hospital
Recently it was reported that the state of hygiene in the premises of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (Luth) is very poor. The report had it that broken sewage emitting pungent odour makes the hospital very dangerous for human habitation.
Why are our public hospital so dilapidated when huge amount of funds have been voted to keep them in good shape? The case if Luth is particularly pathetic. In recent years, there has been stories of untimely deaths, and relapses of ailments brought by patients to the hospital.
The joke in town is that if you visit Luth over a small health matter.The hospital will make it worse by the time you leave. To make it worse, the health workers in the hospital are said to be unprofessional in their duties. They are reportedly rude to their patients.
Entrance to Luth in Lagos
This negative report coming out of the hospital make people avoid going there.
The state of the hospital is also one of the reasons why one can never find our leaders and their families seek medical help there.
They prefer to go abroad while leaving the rest of the citizens to suffer the decayed health care system in the country today. But is Luth the worst public hospital in Lagos. Who has visited the hospital recently and what was your experience?

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