
Tuesday 25 August 2015

Man Digs 100m Path Through Mountain In Tribute To Wife

A true story of big love can’t go unnoticed! An Indian man spent 22 years carving a huge gap in a mountain after his beloved wife had died in tragic circumstances. And now his incredible life and love stories were adapted into a Bollywood film.
Dashrath Manjhi’s wife Falguni died in an accident in 1959, she may have survived if she was taken to the nearest town – 55km trek around the mountain – to get emergency medical care. The grieving man promised himself to ensure that other villagers wouldn’t suffer the same fate as his wife.
Dashrath Manjhi, also known as “Mountain man”
Since then, using just a hammer and a chisel, Manjhi’s worked tirelessly for more than two decades until he eventually cut a direct path between the rocks and reduced the distance to only 15 kilometres. The direct path at the mountain in Gehlour, in eastern Bihar state, is around 110 metres long and more than nine metres wide in some places.
Manjhi’s worked tirelessly for more than two decades until he eventually cut a direct path between the rocks
And only thirty years later the local government converted the path into a tarred road. Nawazuddin Siqqiduim, who plays Manjhi in the film, said: “The story is beautiful and compelling. He made the impossible possible and his work has helped thousands. The most difficult aspect was to capture the madness. His work is extraordinary. He should be an inspiration and an icon for the youth.”
He was recognised with a state funeral in Bihar
Manjhi died from cancer of the gall bladder in 2007, aged 73, and was recognised with a state funeral in Bihar. has recently featured the story about a loving husband who  has planted 6,4 km of sunflowers in memory of his wife, to sell the seeds and raise funds for cancer research and patient care.

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