
Tuesday 18 August 2015

Meet Twins Who Share Brain, Feelings And Thoughts

Meet two twin sisters who were not meant to survive but defied all the odds and have learned to walk, talk and even go to school in Vernon, British Columbia.
Scroll down to see the photos of the unusual girls!
As Tatiana and Krista Hogan were born conjoined at skull and brain the doctors didn’t gave them a chance for survival. But the girls, now seven, surpassed all expectations, got through the difficulties and managed to survive. Their parents say that their daughters are happy, healthy and normal, they can walk, talk, play with other children and even get education.
As Tatiana and Krista Hogan were born conjoined at skull and brain the doctors didn’t gave them a chance for survival
What is even more surprising is that the twins can see through one another’s eyes and an control the legs and arms of each other. And although the children have different personalities, they share emotions and feelings. The family believe that they also can share thoughts and communicate within their own heads.
The twins can see through one another’s eyes
The girls’ mother Felicia Hogan said: “They still have moments where they can fight and get angry and frustrated with each other and those fights can get violent. ‘We tell them, “You two have to spend the rest of your lives together in this world, you need to cooperate and be nice to each other. People always ask when will they be separated but they won’t be.”
The girls’ mother Felicia Hogan says abortion ‘was never an option’.
As Tatiana and Krista are joined at the head and their brains are fused, they can’t be separated –  the operation could be fatal to one or both of the twins. The girls will never be able to live independent lives that’s why they have to adapt and their parents don’t indulge them, they say: “We never tell them they can’t do something. They have to try it.”

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