
Saturday 8 April 2017

Churches in Nigeria celebrate corruption - Obasanjo

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo is blaming churches for the high rate of corruption in the country.

Obasanjo made the accusation while delivering a speech titled: ‘The role of the church in the fight against corruption in Nigeria’, at the convention of Victory Life Bible Church International in Abeokuta, Ogun state.

Represented by Femi Olajide, the chapel of Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library’s Christ the Glorious King Church, the former President called on the Church to clean its Augean stable in order to restore its holiness.

Parts of his speech read, “There is no doubt that all our institutions have been tarnished by the brush of corruption.

“If the Church, as an institution, does not take bribe or get involved in other corrupt practice, the behaviour of some of our men of God leaves much to be desired.

“They not only celebrate but venerate those whose sources of wealth are questionable. They accept gifts (offering) from just anybody without asking questions. This gives the impression that anything is acceptable in the house of God.

“But if Jesus can chase out those buying and selling from the temple with the declaration that, ‘My house shall be called the house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves,’ then it is time to stand up against corruption.”

“Our present day ‘money changers’ and ‘merchants’ must be chased out of the church and put to shame in the larger society.

“While miracles, signs and wonders are the expectations of true believers, such must be based on righteousness. To preach that one can acquire wealth without labour is not only deceitful; it is a call to corruption. It is false preaching and it is sinful.

“We must be careful in believing and celebrating every testimony of miraculous blessing, hence we end up being hoodwinked into celebrating corruption.''

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