Over the years, masturbation has been viewed has an ungodly act and therefore should not be practiced by anyone.
Masturbation can be referred as the sexual stimulation of parts of one’s body for sexual arousal or to achieve other sexual pleasure, usually to the point of orgasm.
However, masturbation has been discovered to not boost your emotional well-being and your sex life but it also helps improve your health.
Below are some of the health benefits of masturbation:
Improves Sleep
Masturbation has been discovered to be a natural snooze sedative, as self-pleasure produces the essential chemicals that help ease pain, stress and helps you catch up on your lost sleep.
Masturbation has been discovered to be a natural snooze sedative, as self-pleasure produces the essential chemicals that help ease pain, stress and helps you catch up on your lost sleep.
Strengthens Muscles
The process of masturbation, also helps tones the pelvic and the anal muscles. Not only does having a stronger pelvic floor lead to better sex, has it also helped reduce a woman’s chance of involuntary urine leakage.
The process of masturbation, also helps tones the pelvic and the anal muscles. Not only does having a stronger pelvic floor lead to better sex, has it also helped reduce a woman’s chance of involuntary urine leakage.
Menstruation Pain Reliever
For women, self-pleasure can actually relieve a lot of the pain they feel during their menstrual cycle. Premenstrual irritability, cramps and those painful backaches you get during your period can all be eased by masturbation, has it also increases the blood flow to the pelvic region.
For women, self-pleasure can actually relieve a lot of the pain they feel during their menstrual cycle. Premenstrual irritability, cramps and those painful backaches you get during your period can all be eased by masturbation, has it also increases the blood flow to the pelvic region.
Lessens Urinary Tract Infections
Masturbating not only helps relieve discomfort, it also flushes out old bacteria from the cervix.
Masturbating not only helps relieve discomfort, it also flushes out old bacteria from the cervix.
Lowers Risk Of Diabetes
Research has shown that people who engage in masturbation, are shown to have greater resistance to diabetes.
Research has shown that people who engage in masturbation, are shown to have greater resistance to diabetes.
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