A woman who was raped by her ex-boyfriend saved his life hours after the attack – but not out of the best of intentions.
Susan Copestick and Peter Drummond were in relationship for ten years and broke up in November 2014. He refused to leave their home and Ms Copestick moved in her mother’s house. Since then the man started to pursue his ex-lover, annoying her with thousands of messages and phone calls until one night he appeared at her mother’s home.
Susan Copestick, 56, was subjected to the horrific attack by sick Peter Drummond, 62
Recalling that terrifying night Ms Copestick said: “I’d got home from work early so I put on my pyjamas and was relaxing on the sofa when I heard the doorbell ring. It was Peter. He had some council forms and said he needed help filling them in. I felt sorry for him, so I let him inside.
But as I put the kettle on to make us both a cup of tea, he crept up behind me and held a knife to my throat before saying ‘No more nice Peterю I was terrified. I begged him not to hurt me but he closed the curtains and tore open a packet of Viagra. I ran for the front door to flee.
He came after me with the knife and ordered me into my bedroom, where he forced me to strip. He told me that I would bleed to death if he stabbed me, so I was too scared to disobey him again.” But that was not the end of the story. After the assault, Drummond cowardly attempted to commit suicide by overdosing on drugs– with no success.
“He said his last words would be ‘I love you’ before he slit my throat and left my dead body for my mum to find. I did think about escaping, but I couldn’t let him die without being punished for what he’d done. It was the coward’s way out and I wasn’t going to give him that luxury, “ a 56-year-old brave woman said.
The mother-of-three called an ambulance that took her rapist to a local hospital. A week after the attack Drummond was arrested. He pleaded guilty and was jailed for 10 years for rape, sexual assault by penetration, sexual assault and false imprisonment.
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